Schroth Competition Harness
Schroth Competition Racing Harnesses. Carl Friedrich Schroth (1909-1997) was a keen sporting motorcyclist and engineer from his youth onwards. Upon marrying a skilled tailor, the Schroths began making and selling motorcycle clothing. However, in the mid-1950s the passenger car began its triumphant progress through Germany, thereby squeezing the motorcycle out. The Schroths feverishly sought new products to sell. Simultaniously, Schroth revisited his motorsport hobby only now it was cars. While racing, he encountered a problem: it annoyed him that his co-driver could not read maps and navigate properly because he was constantly being flung to and fro in his seat. “He needs securing!”, Schroth decided. From roller blind parts and coat buckles he “tailored” a seat belt for his co-pilot. He had developed the first German belt, a shoulder belt. Passenger safety in road vehicles and other means of transport has remained Schroth’s central concern for almost 60 years. Schroth belts have come a long way in those years. Many technological advances have been made making them a market leader and today about 20,000 Schroth shoulder belts are still made and sold all over the world.
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